Kanga’s main aim at CRM is to make sure that each one of our customers have the system they have been dreaming about. Usually, Kanga CRM covers 100% of what a Broker might need, plus it offers a number of additional rich features and GUI parameterization capabilities. However there are cases where, mainly established Brokers, have existing procedures and logic that they wish to maintain and improve. Our team works closely with you to ensure that your staff and your customers feel that they have a system that makes their life easier.
外匯客戶關係管理 |後台系統
Kangaroo 是一個功能強大的 CRM 和後台系統,專為致力於提供更高水平的客戶和合作夥伴體驗的外匯經紀商和金融組織而開發。 Kangaroo 與直觀的 Trader's Room 集成在一起,可以對其進行定制以匹配經紀人的確切業務模型,並通過用戶友好的方法進行優化以匹配現有的複雜程序。
綜合交易室 |客戶專區
Together with Kanga CRM,Kangaroo can also deliver your Forex Traders Room (Client Area) as a bundle. Kangaroo provides all the necessary tools and services to get you online providing you with leeway against your competition instantly. Kangaroo provides rich integration functions, integration with MT4 / 5, integration with payment gateway, integration with multi-account management, automated KYC & AML .
多層次• 多活動• 多方案,袋鼠佣金系統使IBs和Affiliates的管理變得簡單易行。 Kangaroo 將為您的合作夥伴將您的 CRM 和客戶端門戶轉變為功能齊全、功能強大的佣金管理系統。佣金系統結合了來自用戶的反饋,從而形成了一個基本上由用戶和為用戶設計的系統。